Meal Plan for Week of 09-07-14

Hello again!

Time for what’s up in my kitchen this week!

If you see some repeats from recent meal plans it’s either 1) we really loved it and want it again or 2) I didn’t get to make it.  How is this possible if I’m sticking to my meal plan?  EASY! I always make enough for leftovers, and we have at least one or two meals a week that become leftovers ONLY.

Small disclaimer:  I’ve made many of these recipes, but not all! If you’d like to know which ones I find tried and true, just ask!


BREAKFAST: pumpkin pie oatmeal, homemade breakfast sausage, blueberries
LUNCH: cucumbers in greek dressing, hamburgers, smoothies (hidden spinach)
DINNER: chop salad, crockpot cabbage + sausage stew
EXTRAS: paleo banana bread, soak flour for biscuit, making Peanut butter roasted chickpeas,


BREAKFAST:  scrambled eggs, soaked biscuit, mangoes
LUNCH: apples with peanut butter (sandwich, for those inclined), steamed broccoli, homemade yogurt with toppings of choice
DINNER: Copy-Cat Chic-Fil-A Grilled Chicken and Zesty Vinaigrette Salad, smoothies (hidden spinach!) + toast for those not inclined to the salad ;-)
EXTRAS: making more homemade yogurt


BREAKFAST: cinnamon-bun muffinshomemade breakfast sausage, fresh fruit of choice
LUNCH: cucumbers in greek dressing, smoothies, ham and cheese wraps with this wrap (SO good! We use it for tortillas in Mexican food, too! I make a bunch and keep pulling from them – they store well.)
DINNER: Balsamic glazed salmon (substitute healthy oil for canola!), roasted carrots (I’m adding potatoes this time), Roasted garlic scapes with parmesan
EXTRAS: soak flour for bread


BREAKFAST:   homemade pineapple+beet+carrot juice; french toast sticks
LUNCH: Chicken Ceasar Salad, yogurt with chocolate roasted nuts, peanut butter sandwiches + applesauce (packed lunch!)
DINNER: southern-style green beans, carrots with this ranch dip, Roasted Honey BBQ Wings
EXTRAS: make bread, make homemade yogurt


BREAKFAST: scrambled eggs, smoothies (hidden spinach!), toast with soaked bread
LUNCH: bacon-wrapped sweet potatoes, cinnamon roasted nuts (real food substitutions! and add more salt), fresh fruit of choice, cucumbers in greek dressing
DINNER: copy-cat PF Chang’s Mongolian Beef (real-food substitutions! arrowroot for corn starch, coconut sugar for brown sugar, grass-fed butter for vegetable oil), fried rice, steamed broccoli 
EXTRAS:  make sweet potato brownies


BREAKFAST: sprouted flour blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs, homemade pineapple+beet+carrot juice
LUNCH: peanut butter jelly sandwiches, fresh fruit of choice, yogurt, with jam and honey,
DINNER:  beef stew, paleo corn bread
EXTRAS: soak flour for bread


BREAKFAST: coconut flour pancakes (I add blueberries), peaches
LUNCH: sprouted pasta with homemade red sauce (no recipes yet!), grilled chicken, onion peas,
DINNER: steak with paprika vinaigrette, roasted potatoes, cabbage stir-fry
EXTRAS: bake bread, make cleaned-up rice krispie treats, make more yogurt

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